Please note there will be a slightly different set up. Ahead of us ‘stepping back on the mat’ in an indoor setting, I had to complete a covid risk assessment and as such need to draw your attention to the following procedures below:
- Please DO NOT attend class if you are presenting with Covid symptoms or cold/flu. So we can all stay happy and healthy!
- REMEMBER to bring your own mat, blocks/equipment to class as I’m unable to lend any if you forget.
- BRING your own anti-bacterial hand sanitiser and wash hands thoroughly before and after class
- LIMIT the amount of personal belongings you bring with you – as you will need to keep them by your mat.
- ENTERING/LEAVING – Please do so in single file unless you are part of the same household. Avoid congregating in a group outside if waiting. At my home, hand sanitiser will be by the front door, where you will enter and exit. At the Nottage hand sanitiser is available at the bottom and top of stairs. On leaving exit via back stairs.
- SOCIAL DISTANCING – Markers will be placed on the floor for mats and please avoid mingling closely with fellow yogis – although that doesn’t mean we can’t be friendly and social!
- PAYMENT – you can pay me online via PayPal http://paypal.me/yogawithnadine or I’m still accepting cash although preferably it needs to be the correct amount to avoid multiple people handling change.
What else I’m doing to keep us safe:
- High-traffic surfaces will be disinfected regularly
- Windows will be open and doors before & after class to allow air flow